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A Salted Slug


           The North American Union said there’s no need to worry about the mysterious red orb that has appeared in the sky, so it must be true.

           Zander Kain, ex-Ministry of Communications reporter, doesn’t believe that to be the truth. Now, a freelance writer for Entertainment-Only news—what the independent press has been reduced to—Zander has little hope of exposing the hovering anomaly. However, it doesn’t stop him in his quixotic quest to get the truth into the press, even if it means pitting himself against nearly every facet of society.

          This world turns our own on its head and examines it through the lens of absurdity. Zander must tackle the modern-day conceptual enigmas surrounding journalism. Any information that doesn’t support the narrative of those in power, are an enemy of the public. False flags fly high in this tale of mingled bureaucracy, mediocracy, and conspiracy that is part Orwellian, part Vonnegutesque, and hits a little too close to home.

"It scratches the part of my brain that itches for a healthy dose of skepticism and conspiracy, as well as pleading for the preservation of true journalism."

Experience the new sci-fi thriller!

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Also Available by Joe King
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